Today I arrived at work on time. My hopes were for a normal eventless day. The day before I had an adventure in jury duty. ( but that is another story.)
When I walked in I noticed all the children had turned into robots.

While this was a suprise it was not necessarly unplesant. I mean arn't robots supposed to be pretty self suffient.
The day with my robot class started off right. We managed circle time and writing workshop in much the same manner as when they were human but things made a change for the worst when freetime rolled around.
You see the robots were programmed to be four year olds. Four year old humans arn't big on sharing. Turned out either are four year old robots. They started fighting over toys right away and when I tried to break them up they turned on me.
One robot even erupted his body from top to bottom and then meshed back together again.
At this time I new I was in trouble and better think of something fast. They were closing in on me when I remembered we had a special snack today. We had cupcakes!
I threw the cupcakes at the robots. They caught the cupcakes in the air and started to eat them Immediately. As they were eating their functions became slower. Eventually I started to hear a beeping sound and then in a robotic voice I heard powering down. As soon as they were all sleeping or powered down. (I'm not really sure what to call it.) I informed the powers that be that I had come down with a sudden illness and had to leave Immediately.
For the sake of whoever ends up in my class today I hope we have enough cupcakes for afternoon snack.
The moral of this story is "when in doubt cupcakes will work it out.
Pictures from photobucket.