It's February and I just have one question. Why to we have to stuff so much stuff in this cold short month. It's making my head hurt. First there was Groundhog day. (if I have a say that thing may not live to see spring.)

Then we have Saint Valentines Day. Do you have any idea how hard it is to think up valentines projects for four and five year old boys.

Then there is Chinese New Year. (I think this is the year of the tiger) which is not so bad because you can restart on those resolutions that you already failed. Plus there are fireworks and dragons.

Then you have Presidents Day. Which is nice because you get a day off. Except I don't get the day of and boy do I need a vacation.

One last thing don't forget that the whole entire month is Black History month. (more on this in another post)
So now that I have vented my frustrations with February I will note that it could be worst. It could be a month of nothing but cold. So happy celebrating whatever you are celebrating today!