Sunday, November 7, 2010

Still searching

 I have been blogging for eleven months now. I love blogging and I think i am failing miserably at it. (No sympathy please. Just being honest) Here are some of the things I think I have done wrong. first I don't post regularly. I now realize that posting five days a week knowing I work twelve hour days if you count prep and commute. Another thing I don't do which I have noticed that a lot of other bloggers do is have a theme schedule. The last thing ( well the last one I am going to mention even though there really are more) is my post either are to personal (I don't want to feel like I am writing in my diary) or not personal at all.
So what to do with this information.
I have decided to try to commit to three posts a week. I am still going to be random as far as content. (I cant help it. I'm random.) Lastly I will try to be as personal without starting the post "Dear diary"

We shall see how I do
By the way did you see I changed the look of my Page? I think it looks better but I still have not got it quite right. I will keep working on it.


I always like to leave a nice picture
Image from we heart it

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