Monday, November 8, 2010

Five words

I have more words that I love to share with you.

  1. Stargaze- The night sky is so amazing so beautiful so magical. It gives me chills. To stargaze also means to daydream which I am a big fan of.
  2. Bubble- It is fun to say, it is fun to spell, and there fun to play with. who ever figured how to contain gas in a liquid sphere is a genius.
  3. Fantasy- it can also be spelled Phantsy I looked it up. It is a magical escape in the mind. everyone needs it and there free! The human brain is pretty amazing.
  4. Soothe- The word sounds exactly like it's meaning. It is soft and comforting. I love it
  5. Fleur-de-lis or Fleur-de-lys- The word just sounds like music to me. The symbol was used by french royalty. It is thought to resemble an iris.

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