I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend. I did. Yesterday I did some window shopping but only a little because I am still supposed to be taking it easy with my foot. (My foot is doing much better but not completely back to normal.) The rest of the day I did a little cleaning but mostly I relaxed.
Today I went out to breakfast with my Mom and my sister and her whole family.
After Breakfast My Mom and I Went to
The Philadelphia Art Museum. You may know the building from "The Rocky stairs" but I assure you there are great works of art in the building. We went to the "Late Renoir exhibit. I learned that he had horrible arthritis in his late years but would paint regardless of the pain. He said something along the lines of "the pain is temporary. The beauty lasts". Of course since I spent the afternoon with Renoir I now think we are kindred spirits. Love him! Ooh Bonus. I came out not feeling fat because all of his nudes look like me! Thick women!
After we left Renoir we went to visit some other french impressionist and some modern art too.
I have some pictures which I think are okay to post but If I am wrong please let me know and I will take them down. I hope these pictures inspire you to go visit an art museum where you live And then blog about it.
I love this! look at the emotion on the face.
Artist : Adriano Cecioni

I took a picture of my Mom and one of her all time favorite paintings. she has had a print of this in the house for as long as I can remember. it's The Moorish Chief by artist Eduard Charlemont

I think this was the feast of Saint John.
artist Jules Adolphe Aimé Louis

They are dancing at the moulin rouge. I decided to join in by pointing my foot like the gentleman in the painting.
Artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

I loved this painting in the modern art section. The painting is of a sale at the Bendel's department store.
Artist Florine Stettheimer

I love the colors and angles in this painting.
I cant remember the artist to this one. Sorry.
I remember seeing this as a little girl and falling in love with it. I can still remember the feelings I had seeing it as a girl.
artist Degas

I had such a good day.I cant wait to go back again.